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  • Writer's pictureMoes Lawn Care LLC.

Winter Lawn Care

You may think that as the weather starts to get colder that you can forget about all lawn maintenance until it warms back up in the spring. While it’s true that you don’t have to do nearly as much as you do in the summer, there are still some important lawn care tasks that demand your attention during the winter months. Read on to find out what you can do during the cooler weather to give your lawn a fighting chance in the spring....

Once Winter arrives, there is very little if anything much at all that can be done to bring a lawn to good health, or to maintain it there if the grass wasn’t already in maximum health prior to Winter arriving.

The Steps To Increasing Lawn Health In Autumn

Realise and be aware of the importance of the lead-up to Winter as being the only time to create a beautiful Winter lawn and act accordingly.

Increase Mowing Heights 

As daylight hours decrease so does the ability of lawns to photosynthesise, by increasing mowing heights and leaving more green leaf we increase the food supply to the grass. This step is essential, and taking the mower up a notch or two should suffice.

Decrease Watering as Air and Soil Temperatures Decrease 

Over watering at this time of year can increase the possibility of turf diseases or rotting of the thatch layer.

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